About Me

My name is Promise Onwuegbuchu, I am a Comp-Sci major with a concentration in Software Engineering. My most notable coursework taken are Software Eng, Database Sys, and Programming Langs, also while your here check out my awesome work.

My goal is to learn as much as I can as early as I can, So I can progress in this career path and further reach higher goals and achievements. My technical skills include C, Python, Java, JavaScript, Node.js, React, HTML, CSS, Unix/Linux and LaTeX



Utilized Python to create a bot for the Instagram Web page that would do some simple tasks

Wrote rougly 60 lines that used Selenium and ChromeDriver which is chromes webdriver to login to an existing Instagram user's page and check their followers and following to find out who doesnt follow them back You can check out the demo walkthrough here

Traffic Simulator

Utilized C to create a Traffic Simulator that successfully simulated a traffic scenario

Used multiple Data Structures such as Priority Queues, Hash-Tables, and Graphs to simplify the structure and ease readability

Restaurant Tutorial

Utilized a MERN stack to create a full stack web app

Using MongoDB, Express, React and Node.js i created a simple restaurant website that would allow a user to see a database of restaurants search their locations on Google Maps and CRUD a review for any restaurant as long as they are signed in. Check it out here